We are forming an Architectural Committee!
The Edmonton Aurora Residents Association (EARA) Board of Directors have been working hard on ensuring the community maintains its aesthetic and value for many years to come. As you are aware we have been working on a community Audit and to help manage this, we would like to appoint (from S. 13 in the bylaw) an Architectural Committee consisting of up to 5 homeowners from Aurora.
The duties of the Architectural Committee are to advise the board (from S. 13 in the bylaw) of any concerns or disputes with architectural styles as outlined in the recent audit, other than the preferred options that are found in the Architectural Guidelines, to ensure that the style will blend with all of the homes in Aurora.
If your home has received a letter outlining deficiencies noted on your property, please email us at architecturalcommittee@edmontonaurorahoa.com and we will advise what specific deficiency pertains to your property.
If you have any questions pertaining the audit, or if you are interested in joining this committee, please email us at architecturalcommittee@edmontonaurorahoa.com