2021 fees were due on April 30th, 2021. All unpaid accounts have now been forwarded to Field Law. If you have received a notice regarding an unpaid account, you must contact Field Law regarding settlement.

The Board is currently exploring options to ensure that the Architectural Guidelines are being followed in the community. More information will be available as this develops.

As a reminder the EARA is being managed by Ayre and Oxford, contact information is below:


Danika Litke (Property Manager)

Email – danika@ayreoxford.com

Phone – 780-448-4984, ext. 324


Morgan Desrochers (Administrative Assistant)

Email – admin4@ayreoxford.com

Phone – 7804484984, ext. 319


You can still update your information or update your account on Ivrnet if you have paid your fees through them before.

– The EARA Board of Directors